Current news
Coming soon
Aldbury Fair - May 5th
Senior Citizens' Entertainment Evening at the Nora Grace Hall - May 21st
Car Boot Sale in the Forge Car Park - date to be announced April/May
Supporting Youth Disability Games in Coventry - July 5th-6th
Carol singing
A huge number of locals and visitors came together to participate in the annual carol service at The Forge Car Park. An estimated gathering of over a thousand sang along to the band and choir and were subjected to a barrage of Christmas jokes from the MC. Santa Claus managed to fit in a visit on his busy rounds to the joy of the many children who attended.
Our treasurer has been busy counting up the donations which have raised a record-breaking sum in excess of £1600 which will be donated to Herts Young Homeless. What a testament to the generosity of our townspeople and their friends and relatives and the true spirit of Christmas!
Kieran Tucker Lions Fund and Hector's House
Tring Lions were delighted to present a cheque for £5000 to Hector's House Chair of Trustees and their Support and Operations Assistant at the December business meeting. Kieran had been a Lion for 45 years and was a strong advocate for young people in his work, his fostering and in many aspects of his life, supporting local groups. In his memory, the Lions have established a fund which reflects his own lifetime commitments. In the photograph, Lion President Sandra is seen presenting the cheque to Robert Stringer, Chair of Trustees. In attendance are Sue Doyle the Support and Operations Assistant and Lion Ruth who chairs the Lions' activity group.

Christmas Fayre
The Christmas Fayre on November 30th took place with the Lions running its stall with the perennial favourite of hooking a duck leading to new homes for over 500 cuddly toys and record funds for the event. Thanks go to those who "manned" the stall and the generous people of Tring for making such an enjoyable and successful day.
Alan's latest quiz
The answers to Alan's quiz are below. Prize winners have been notified and funds rasied have been allocated to support the retsoratin work on Wendover Canal.
Click here to download the quiz:
Book Quiz Questions final.docx
We hope you enjoyed the quiz, here are the answers
Book Quiz Answers final.docx
Grants to primary schools
During the summer and autumn, grants have been finalised for six local primary schools to enhance what they offer to their pupils. Tring Lions have supported them in implementing their creative thinking to develop learning opportunities which they have been unable to fund fully. through either school funds or their hard-working Parents and Teachers Associations. A recurring focus has been to provide activities and facilities that develop pupil's social and emotional development as well as their academic learning. Funds have been used, for example. to support trips providing valuable learning beyond the classroom for all pupils. Residentials in their last year of primary school often become a lifelong memory for many and help prepare pupils for their next stage in education.
One school received funds to adapt a space to become a sensory room which will provide a quiet, alternative learning space with sensory stimulation for the growing number of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Another school is restoring a pond on its premises which will extend practical learning opportunities and expand its "forest school".
Another school has developed further its outdoor area which has distinct areas providing a wide range of opportunities for physical, social and emotional development as pupils challenge themselves, play and learn alongside others. The headteacher noted the value of the many more opportunities there are now for purposeful activity as the children have much wider choice. The pupils say how they love finding something challenging to do. Basketball hoops, climbing frames, a small stage, large chalk boards, mud "kitchen", quiet spaces and small bike areas provide some of the options available each day.
Purchasing a licence which gives extended access to materials that support pupils' health, social and emotional development has been the way forward for a further school. The grants have not been for hige amounts of money but are making a real difference to what schools can provide to their pupils, ensuring that all children get the best possible opportuntiies to develop their social, emotional and physical skills as well as making academic progress.
Tring Apple Cart Procession
The annual procession took place along a well-lined High Street on the morning of Saturday October 12th as part of Tring's celebration of all things apple. The procession was led by a town crier and following were the horse-drawn cart with the mayor and a multitude of colourful participants including Apple Man, Morris dancers, a two legged pantomime horse, Maypole dancers, a mobile apple tree and scores of children from local schools and nurseries with scarecrows.
A group celebrating the importance of bees and the dangers of pesticides reminded us of the link between human activity and the environment we create. Tring Lions wre amongst those marshalling the event
The Lions Bookshop
Tring Lions raise the bulk of their funds from the Lions Bookshop in the Marlowe's Centre, Heme;l Hempstead. The shop is staffed on a full-time basis by members of six local Lions groups. Tring Lions are there evey Wednesday and alternate Thursday afternoons. They sell books, CDs, DVDs and vinyls as well as providing batteries for NHS hearing aids and receiving glasses for recycling. The vast majority of books sell for just £1 with children's books at half that price. Please contact us if you have books, CDs or DVDs that you wish to donate.
Annual Youth Disability Games
Tring Lions were again present at the Annual Disability Youth Games in Coventry on the weekend of July 6th-7th as part of the Lions national support for this event. The Lions not only provide financial support but provide foor for competitors, supporters, officials and volunteers and undertake a range of activities supporting the officials so that the event runs smoothly. The presence of the Lions in costume is always appreciated as a great photo opportunity for many of those competing. Unfortuntately the weather was bad this year and the track too slippery for the annual Lions race - Lions paws are less effective than the spikes worn by the athletes.
In the photograph Tring Lion Penny, who has a national role in inclusion, is seen presenting a cheque to the oragnisers from Activity Alliance accompanied by a Tring Lion in costume.
Grove Road Primary School Summer event
On Sunday 23rd June,Tring Lions supported Grove Road Primary School's summer event, The turn-out was high as parents and children ran races with the added invention of having powdered paint thrown at them at vantage points as they went round the track. There were a number of stalls with games, food, drinks and the popular ice cream van for the hot day. The Lions ran a game bared on throiwng dice wiith winners receiving one, two or three prizes with soft toys, books and pencil cases available. the highest scorer of the day received a bear with a £5 note attached to his body. The proceeds of over £110 went directly to the school.

Tring Summer Carnival
On a hot summer afternoon = on the last Sarurday in June, Tring Lions were one of mnay stallholders present. Their hook a duck was a hit with many children as well as one or two adults who went away with soft toys - everyone winning a prize. Just under £100 was added to the funds to be made available for local good causes.
Tring Lions New Year
Tring Lions are moving towards their 53rd year of service to the local and wider community. Outgoing president Mick presented the charter to incoming president Sandra for her safekeeping in the coming year as well as her chain of office.
Sandra's first pleasurable duty was to attend the Tring Running Club annual Midsummer Run at Tring Cricket club - the Lions were a major sponsor of the initiative to get children enjoying running. Over 700 runners took part, the vast majority being young children who were supported brilliantly by family and friends. Distances run depended on age and it was brilliant to see such energy, commitment and enjoyment. The event raises money for chariry and Rennie Bear was there, as always, representing the Rennie Grove charity. This year there was a mangerie with Colin the camel and Luca the Tring Lion as well. Colin the camel is the world record holder for completing the fastest London Marathon as a pantomime camel. Rennie and Luca engaged with the children with Luca running the occasional race.
Car Boot Sale
The boot sale took place on Satrday 8th June in the Forge Car park. The weather was hardly attractive to an outdoor event but the rain held off and a steady flow of visitrs made purchases at the various stall which inlcuded traders, the Lions, students raising funds for the World Challenge and a pre-school raising funds. Tring Lions are keen to attract traders and those raising funds for charitable purposes for whom there is no admisison charge. Look out for details of the enxt sale in the autumn.
Tring Midsummer Fun Run
Tring Lions are proud to be supporting the event on 19th June 2024 with races for children of all ages as well as adults. This is part of our initiative to support lcoal schools and develop healthy lifestyles amd wider interests and experiences for their children and students. The events take place at the Tring Cricket Club and range from 100m to 6Km. All participants receive a medal. The event will feature not only Rennie Bear but Colin the Camel, the local marathon-running world-record holder. The event has a long and successful history, hosted by Tring Running Club with a renewed emphasis on young people enjoying sport. All events for younger participants are within thegrounds of the club with the 6Km race marshalled in the local area.
The waiting is over - here are the answers to our latest quiz?
Drink Quiz answers.docx
Drink Quiz questions.docx
Senior Citizens' Entertainment Evening
Tring Lions welcomed 60 local senior citizens to the Norah Grace Hall on the evening of May 11th where they were entertained by BURPS ukeleli band making a return visit after popular demand. They played a range of songs and ensured that participants took to the floor as well as dancing, singing and clapping along to their wide range of popular songs.
Transport was provided and a high tea and drinks wree served by Lions and hepers. A wide range of raffle pizes, along with the home-made table decorations, ensured that many reurned home with memories of the event. .
Aldbury Fair
The Lions stall at the fair was a great success inspite of the rather changeable weather and the downpour later in the afternoon that drove most people indoors. Our activities for the young in mind, body or heart were well-supported and we raised nearly £450 for local causes with three donations from local well-wishers.We also found good homes for literally hundreds of soft toys. We are now drying off our gazebo and some equipment and looking forward to other summer events and the fair next year.
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Carol Service
The carol service on the Forge car park on Christmas Eve was attended by around a thousand people oin spite of the miserable but rain-free weather. Thanks to the endeavours of Lions, scouts and many helpers and the immense generositty of the Tring community £1550 was raised to support the first Tring group of scouts, cubs and beavers and the Pepper foundatioon.
Our thanks and best wishes for the New Yrear to all who attended and helped put on the event.
Tring Christmas events.
Christmas is a busy time for everyone but is a time for giving and the Lions remained busy over this perriod. They supported the Tring community grotto through the donation of toys and helped the group raise over £1000 towards their chosen charities - Project Robbie and Suciide Prevention Uk whilst seeing over 140 children receiving Christmas gifts.
They ran a stall at Brookmead School's outdoor carols and helped the school braise money towards the development of its outdoor learning and play areas.
At the Tring Christmas Festival we braved the bitterly cold elements alongisde many other stallholders on 25th November and were really pleased that so many people attended the event, came to the stall, partook in the raffle and learned more about our work. Proceeds were the highest for eight years.
Working with local schools
In the summer grants were made available to local primary schools to enhance an aspect of the school that was important to them through a simple application process. With child poverty increasing and the demands on schools growing, there is intense financial pressure as schools strive to meet growing, additional demands. The process of applying for the grants was kept really simple as the intention was not to add to the administrative demands for staff. For some years the Lions have responded to requests from schools for specific help. This has often involved residential trips (including the World Challenge for high school students) The current initiative was aimed at being more proactive and seeking to develop partnership with schools.
We were able to support all schools that displayed an interest. The bids all had a common theme - they were about widening the curriculum so that all pupils could benefit with schools showing strong commitment to children's social, physical and emotional development alongside academic learning. The bids allowed schools to:
- develop aspects of the school's outdoor environment and increase information technology for those with additional needs
- continue children's attendance at a "forest" school where they learn a range of lifeskills, communication and growing awareness of the environment
- increase out-of-hours provision for pupils by providing a wide range materials for artistic and creative activities
- provide additional play equipment so that children develop their social and physical skills
- develop a flexible and attractive area in the classroom where young children can develop their communication skills and early skills in reading and writing
The amount of money we are able to give is relatively small but makes a difference to individuals in many ways. We look forward to working with schools in ongoing partnership in the following months as supportiung young people is one of our key priorities.
We hope you enjoyed our latest quiz....
.....and here are the answers (sorry about the misspelling of Jekyll in question 20):
Duo Quiz Answers.pdf
Duo Quiz questions.pdf
A big thank you for all you donations which will be passed on to Home-Start Hertfordshire which offers early intervention support to vulnerable, struggling families.
Car Boot Sale
Tring Lions held a boot sale on the morning of Sunday, September 17th. and were spared the rain of previous and following days. Sales were brisk from those who attended the Lions stall, supported by members and friends and raised around £150. However, the number of traders was low and the footfall relatively light. We are committed to making changes before any further such such events and will communicate these widely, As always we are thankful for the ongoing support provided by traders, friends and members of the public.
Steve Mitchell
June 1953 - July 2023
Steve has been a stalwart of local Lions clubs for 38 years. He will be sorely missed by fellow Lions, members of the local community and his wife and children of whom he was incredibly proud. Steve has the unique distinction of serving as president in three local clubs, Berkhamsted, Hemel Hempstead and Tring. He also served in other key roles including treasurer.
Steve combined enjoyment with service to others and was engaged with a number of local organisations concerned with support and wellbeing. He was incredibly generous with his time and helped others new to role, sharing his financial and legal knowledge. He was recently instrumental in leading Tring Lions to gain charitable status in 2018; he received the prestigious Melvin Jones Fellowship award for his work in revitalising the Hemel Hempstead club without which members felt that the club would not have survived.
Steve enjoyed being with people. He was a regular attender at local events with a camera always close at hand to share his findings and promote useful publicity. Along with his wife, Mary, he was a long-term supporter of the Lions bookshop and together they played a key role in developing its initial design. His sense of humour, optimism, generosity and compassion were a model for all who met him.
Lions support National Junior Athletics Championship Games
The first weekend in July saw the annual Activity Alliance Junior Championship Games for athetes with a range of disabilities from across the UK. The event took place on the famous Coventry track and home of the Godiva Harriers. 39 Lions, partners and friends from around the country came together to support the event as they have done for many years. Tring Lions were represented by Penny, who continues to play a major co-ordinating role and Robin. Both are seen here in presenting a cheque to the event organiser with a Tring lion in lionistic disguise.
In addition to supporting the athletics events, the Lions oversaw the feeding of officials, athletes and volunteers, car parking and, in their lions costumes, entertained those waiting to compete or watch the many events that took place over two days. They were unhappy that prior to the Lions race there was not a zebra or giraffe sandwich to be had. The race over 100 metres was a source of light relief but failed to match the quality or commitment seen on the track or in the field events.
The Lions present an Endeavour Trophy annually to the athlete who tries their very best despite irrespective of their ability or disability. The winner was Ajay Romos, from the Yorkshire Team who participated in the 60m, 100m and 200m running events, using a rollator to assist him; he was a cheerful inspiration to all fellow athletes and observers alike. despite irrespective of their ability or disability. The winner was Ajay Romos, from the Yorkshire Team who participated in the 60m, 100m and 200m running events, using a rollator to assist him; he was a cheerful inspiration to all fellow athletes and observers alike.
In addition to parents and friends, athletes were visited by Chris Boardman MBE, the famous Olympic cyclist, and one of Coventry's local paralympic stars, Kare Adenagan who continued to compete here in previous years alongside her world championships apperances. One of the athletes who won gold in a 100m sprint reflected on how competing in sport had made the last eighteen months the "best time of my life". As always it was an inspiring event bringing together athletes of all abilities from all four home countries to perform at the famous Godiva athletics track.
Aldbury May Fair
The Aldbury May Fair saw bumper crowds at all stalls with Tring Lions being no exception. The two games were enjoyed by many children (and some adults!) who took home soft toys to add to their collections.
The stalls raised just under £500 which will be recycled into local and other causes. The Lions thank all those who participated in making this such an enjoyable and successful day and to the friends and relatives who helped on the stall, and in setting it up and taking it down at the end of the day.
Kieran Tucker MBE (1934-2023)
On Monday 17th April, relatives, friends, Lions and many community members attended the funeral service for Kieran at a packed Corpus Christi Church in Tring. Kieran was a hugely respected member of the community who lived his Christian values throughout his life. He was devoted to helping others and was a great father, grandfather and husband, spending much of his last year caring for his much-loved wife, Margaret. He enjoyed life with music and sport being especially important.
Kieran was Tring's longest serving Lion and recently received a medal commemorating his 45 years of service. He has acted as president and undertaken many other roles; he received a lifetime service award (Melvin Jones Fellowship) in 2018. Kieran was a very active community member. He served as a governor in local schools, was involved in his local church, and chaired a patient health group. Kieran was also a highly respected professional and received an MBE for his services to staff development when working as a long-standing senior manager in the aerospace industry for Lucas.
Kieran was one of the kindest, fairest, most selfless men you could ever meet. He is irreplaceable and will be sorely missed not only by his immediate family, friends and fellow Lions but throughout Tring; his legacy will live on.
Senior citizens' entertainment evening
Following a gap of three years due to the restrictions around COVID-19, the Lions held their annual entertainment evening for senior citizens on Saturday April 15th.. They welcomed around 50 visitors to the Norah Grace Hall. The Lions provided transport, hot and cold drinks, and food, including an array of home made cakes. All attendees received a free raffle ticket and many took home prizes including chocolates, alcohol, candles and a leather purse (no money included).
They were entertained richly by Berkhamsted Ukulele Random Players (BURP) who provided two lively sets and played for most of the evening. They were impressed by the audience response with many not only joining in songs but dancing around the hall. The Lions, the band and those attending all agreed that it was a great night and are already looking forward to next year's event,
Yomelelani Revisited
Lions Sandra and Robin revisited the Yomelelani Early Years Centre in the township of Zwelihle near Hermanus in South Africa for the first time since the outbreak of COVID-19. On their previous visit they brought a donation of children's books from the Lions Bookshop and, along with others, undertook some voluntary work on site.
It was great to see the progress that has been made in the three difficult intervening years. The school now has two extra classes and is full to capacity. The inspirational headteacher, Rose, is starting her studies for a Masters degree in education and more staff are now qualified or undertaking studies to gain a teaching qualification in their own time. The school was open whenever this was deemed possible by the authorities and during this time no pupil or member of staff was absent as a result of the virus. The school also undertook a valuable community resource role including cooking meals for the community, with food donated from a local store.
In discussions with senior staff and direct observation, it was agreed that an immediate need was improved ventilation in parts of the school.; the solution was felt to be a wind chimney. A wind chimney is a means of capturing breeze and redirecting it inside the building. It is a method that has been used in middle eastern countries such as Iran and the UAE to great effect with studies showing that it can reduce the temperature inside a building by ten degrees Celsius. Tring Lions agreed to donate the cost of two additional wind chimneys and a local tradesman has subsequently agreed to fit them without any labour costs.

Au revoir, Alan
It is with much sadness but huge respect that Tring Lions say goodbye to Tring Lion, Alan Pollard. He is moving to the north-east to be close to his family and take on grandparenting support along with his wife Margaret. Alan has been a mainstay of Tring Lions since he joined in July 2009. He has been involved in all of the local events, a regulaa volunteer at the Lions bookshop in Hemel Hempstead, local fairs, jumble sales and Christmas carol services. He has also held all of the senior roles in the club as president, treasurer, and secretary as well as chairing smaller groups.
One of his most notable roles is as quiz deviser – he is the hidden face and brains behind the challenging quizzes that featured so strongly during lockdown especially and have developed a cult following from distant parts of the country as well as locally. He has promised to continue exercising his strangely connected mind to keep us challenged from a distance. Alan is also a very keen walker and entertained us with tales of his adventures and no doubt will extend his knowledge of cathedrals, heritage, and countryside from Geordieland. As a reminder of his generosity, fellow Lions bought him a reminder of his many years in Tring.
On behalf of local people, we would like to thank Alan for his selfless contributions which have benefited so many local groups and organizations as well as other further afield and wish him and his wife Margaret joy and success in his new life, whilst not forgetting to keep us challenged with occasional quizzes.
And here are the answers to our latest quiz, winners will be announced shortly..................
Click here to download the quiz
PM Quiz Questions.docx
Thank you Tring!!
On Christmas Eve we raised over £1,400 at the Carol Concert
The money raised will be used towards 1st Tring Cubs and PACE - a local charity supporting Neuro Disability
Slipper Swap
Penny and Mick had a busy morning at the 'Slipper Swap' in Tring Library, handing out 'message in a bottle', message in a wallet' and other useful bits of information.
The Slipper Swap was organised by Hertfordshire Library service and people could come in and swap their slippers for a potentially safer pair and also enjoy a cup of tea and a tasty pastry (courtesy of the Lions).
Tring Christmas Festival
We had a very successful and enjoyable time at the Tring Christmas Festival this year (unlike last year when we got blown away) and we raised £275 with our 'roll-a-raffle', which will be used to support local good causes.
Many thanks to the shops that generously donated prizes:
Metcalfes, Graces, Tescos, Market Place, Waterton Butchers, Meads Farm Shop, Fancy That and Maggie J.
Tring Radio Toy Appeal
Tring Lions are supporting the 2022 Tring Radio Toy Appeal with a donation of assorted toys and games.
Tring Lions Celebrate 50 Years of Community Service
Tring Lions recently held a Charter dinner at Berkhamsted Golf Club to celebrate serving the community of Tring and surrounding Districts for 50 years.
Since being Chartered in November1972, club members have concentrated their service activities on the local community, either in person or by fundraising and donating proceeds to charitable groups who operate locally.
A proportion of the funds raised have also been donated to humanitarian causes worldwide.
Over the past 50 years Tring Lions have raised over £750,000.
. . Members of Tring Lions.
Certificate of Appreciation signed by The Countess of Wessex ...... Mike and Ruth Adams receiving MJF awards
For those of you who had a go at our latest quiz about seaside towns, here are the answers.
The weather stayed fine for our Car Boot Sale on Sunday, and we raised over £130 for local good causes
Waiting for the opening of the Long Marston Fete 6th August and tempting the kids to hook-a-duck
Five new benches have recently been installed in the churchyard of St Peter and St Paul's church in Tring
Two of these were sponsored by Tring Lions to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee and the Club's 50th anniversary
Our Stall at the Tring Carnival on Saturday
Two recent examples of how Tring Lions are supporting the local community.
Sponsorship of a Community Action Dacorum minibus and installation of a defibrillator at New Mill Baptist Church
Tring Lions recently gathered at the Kings Arms in Tring to celebrate the changeover from our current President Mick to our new President Penny
To encourage children to read, Morrisons in Leighton Buzzard have a display from which children can take books for no charge. The display is regularly topped up by Tring Lions from books provided by the Ihezie Foundation which is based in Milton Keynes
Why not have a go at our latest quiz. 50 cryptic clues the answers to which are all London Underground stations
The waiting is over, we hope you enjoyed the quiz, here are the answers:
Underground Quiz - answersV3.pdf

There was a healthy attendance at our Car Boot Sale Sunday and we raised over £170
Getting ready for the Aldbury May Fayre where we raised over £500
Christmas Carol Concert
Despite covid we decided to go ahead with our traditional Carol Concert
in the Forge Car park.
Our thanks to all those who helped set it up and to the citizens of Tring who braved the dreadful weather to join in the singing and donated around £335 which we will use to support the Pepper Foundation
Chocolate Santas
Our raffle of chocolate Santas at Meads, Graces and Metcalfes raised
around £130
Sports Quiz
We hope you enjoyed the quiz and thanks to your generous donations we raised almost £250 to support Homestart
Sports quiz answers.pdf .........
Sports quiz questions.pdf
Some of the Good Causes that we supported with donations in 2021
The Pepper Foundation - Various Local Scout Groups - Sunnyside Rural Trust - Dacorum emergency night shelter
Herts and Essex Air Ambulance - Thames Valley Air Ambulance - Jamjaran Temple - India Covid Appeal
Riding for the disabled - Stoke Mandeville scanner appeal - LCIF emergency fund - Spinal Injuries Association
Tring Community Radio - Lifelites -. Royal British Legion -. DENS Emergency Care Packs
Sightsavers - Tring Radio Toy Appeal - Wendover Canal Trust - Tring Together
Tring Lions enjoying their Christmas social at the White LIon at Bourne End
The Club welcomes new members who would like to be involved in a variety of fund raising projects and community service,
Forthcoming Events
at the same time enjoying being part of an active social Club. Anyone interested can find out more by clicking on 'Contact Us' and we will be in touch
Our Business Meetings are held every first Tuesday of the month at the Pendley Manor Hotel. Monthly informal social gatherings are held at local hostelries.
Useful Links
To find out more about Lions in our District visit or in GB
Gift Aid
If you would like to gift aid any donation you make to Tring Lions please download this form and forward it to
Gift Aid Declaration Multiple Donation.pdf
Tring Lions recently supplied 20 emergency care packs that can be given to new arrivals at DENS. DENS is a charity that aims to be the first port of call for people in Dacorum who are facing homelessness, poverty and social exclusion and provides access to temporary and short-term accommodation.
Tring Apple Fayre
On Saturday October 9th Tring Lions helped with the marshalling at the Tring Apple Fayre procession
Car Boot Sale
On Sunday 12th September we had a successful car boot sale in the Market Square and raised around £200
which will be used to support local good causes.
Here we are at Tring Carnival
Our first gathering in over a year
We recently met at the Kings Arms in Tring, not only to enjoy our first social gathering for well over a year, but also our 'Changeover', passing the baton from one year's President to the next. We missed out last year, so this year it was a double celebration.
Alan to Ruth ............................................................................ Ruth to Mick
The Lions Bookshop has re-opened
Welcome back! The Lions Bookshop in The Marlowes Centre in Hemel Hempstead has now re-opened. Shop hours are:
Monday - Saturday 0900 - 1700, Sundays 1100 - 1700
Fund Raising Quizzes.
We hope you enjoyed our series of quizzes during 2020 which, altogether, raised over £1000 for local good causes.
Click here to have a look at all the questions and answers quizzes
Message in a Bottle
This is a scheme initiated by the Lions for anyone living at home, who might be reassured to know that essential information would be readily available to the Emergency Services, should they suffer an accident or
sudden illness.
Tring Lion Angelo recently distributed a number of the bottles to residents at Sheldon Lodge, Berkhamsted
For more information please click on: MIAB
Easter Bunnies
In years gone by we raffled around 14 Easter Bunnies in local shops and pubs, this year we could only raffle 3.
We still managed to raise over £200, which we will use to support local
good causes .
Our thanks to Graces, Metcalfes and Meads Farm Shop.
The Yomelalani Centre (Sandra is the one in the hat)
Two Tring Lions, Sandra and Robin, have developed links with a township Early Years Centre in Hermanus, South Africa and visit regularly. This centre has been established through the input of visitors to the region, combining with local companies and supportive individuals. Funding is provided through a Trust, which is a registered charity in the UK. In the last few months the number of children in the school has increased from 150 to over 200.
Tring Lions have been gathering relevant books and Sandra and Robin took them out on their recent visit as part of their ongoing commitment to the development of the Yomelalani Centre. The school were delighted with the books and started using them with some of the children almost immediately. Others were placed in book corners available in each classroom. The centre is becoming a key resource for the area and Robin and Sandra were part of a group providing an after-school craft club in the Centre for local children.
To find out more or make a donation please click on Yomelalani
To find out more about Tring Lions involvement please click on contact us
Christmas Carol Concert.
No Christmas Eve carol singing in the Forge Car Park this year but, thanks to Tring Radio and the LAR Choir, we were able to listen to a superb Carol Concert live on Tring Radio .
Thanks to your generosity we were raised over £400 for The Pepper Foundation
Chocolate Father Christmases.
Last year we raffled 14 Chocolate Father Christmases in local shops and pubs, this year we could only raffle 4 but we still managed to raise £325, which we will use to support local good causes .
Our thanks to Graces, Metcalfes, Meads Farm Shop and our own Bookshop in the Marlowes.
Tring Lion's member Angelo joining other volunteers to provide food for the needy outside Charing Cross Station
Tring Lions have had a busy December (2019!!!!!) fund raising for the many good causes that they support.
The people of Tring donated an amazing £1300 at our Christmas Eve Carol Concert. This will be divided between the local scouts group (who helped at the concert) and Hectors House
Our Chocolate Father Christmas Raffle proved very popular and it raised £562. Our thanks to Graces, Beechwoods, Metcalfes, Dunsley Farm Shop, Meads Farm Shop, The Greyhound Aldbury, The Greyhound Wiggington, The George Berkhamstead, The Old Swan Cheddington, The Bell Bovingdon, The Bull Berkhamsted, The Goat Berkhamsted, The Rose and Crown Berkhamsted and The Rose and Crown Ivinghoe for supporting the raffle.
We collected over £500 outside Tesco's. The money raised will be donated to Hearing Dogs for Deaf People
Our slightly eerie looking roll-a raffle stall at Tring Christmas Festival where we raised £175. Our thanks to the many local Companies who donated prizes
Lynne Sherring-Lucas, with her husband Bruce, showing off her new standing wheelchair (which the Lions helped to sponsor) at one of our recent meetings.
In conjunction with the Community Heartbeat Trust, Tring Lions are organising a Defibrillator Seminar. The seminar will demonstrate the use of defibrillators and how the equipment works.
Everybody is welcome, no special skills are required just your willingness to play an important role in the event of a medical emergency.
It will be held in the High Street Baptist Church, 89 High Street, Tring HP23 4AB on Thursday 3rd October 14:30 - 16:30
If you would like to attend or require some more information please click here contact us
The Lions Book Shop in the Marlowes Shopping Centre, Hemel Hempstead Has now moved and is located next to Sports Direct
Come and have a browse and pick up a bargain, in general paperbacks cost 70p and hardbacks £1.
…... …
On 31st August Tring Lions member, Angelo Ferraro, bravely took to the air at Headcorn Aerodrome for a sky jump. Angelo was raising funds to support Tring Lions project to buy 3 spot vision screeners. These machines can be used to detect problems in children from 6 months and upwards who are at risk from eye illnesses.
Tring Lions Club recently enjoyed a lunch at the Kings Arms to celebrate the 46th anniversary of serving the local community. It was also the occasion of Lion President Penny handing over the reins for the next year to Lion Alan.
It was the hottest day of the year at the Tring Carnival but our hook-a-duck not only provided excitement for the younger children but an opportunity to cool down for the slightly older ones.
Scenes from our recent Car Boot Sale where we raised £270 and also gave the opportunity for pupils of Tring School to have their own stalls to support their World Challenge fund raising.
…………... The Lions getting ready for the Aldbury Fete where we raised over £500
Our Easter Bunny Raffle proved more popular than ever this year and raised around £950.
Our thanks to Graces, Beechwoods, Metcalfes, Dunsley Farm Shop, The Greyhound Aldbury, The Greyhound Wiggington, The Rose and Crown Ivinghoe, The Goat, Berkhamsted, The Bell Bovingdon, Berkhamsted Squash Club The Kings Arms Berkhamsted, The Bull Berkhamsted, old Swan Cheddington, The George Berkhamsted, Meads Farm Shop
To see a few pictures click on Easter Bunnies
On 13th April Tring Lions held their annual 'Entertainments Evening' at Tring School, for the Senior Citizens of Tring. Around 90 people attended and they were wined and dined by the Lions and entertained by the Dacorum U3A Folk Song Group. For more pictures click on entertainments evening
Tring Lions President, Penny Tregillus, has recently presented Melvin Jones Fellowship Awards to Club Members David Lang and Derek Grant in appreciation of their services to the community and the Club. A presentation of an engraved vase and flowers was also made to David's wife, Sue, for her continuing support of the club's activities
David and Sue
Fund Raising
Over the last 3 years Tring Lions have raised over £25,000. The Club members fund any administrative expenses so 100% of money raised is distributed to worthy causes, over the last 12 months these have included:
Senior Citizens Parties... Admiral Nurses... Hospice in Poland...Wendover Arm Canal Trust
India Flood Appeal... Dacorum CAD minibus.... COGS Clubs... Rennie Grove Hospice
Homestart...Hope for Children... Juvenile Diabetes ...Vale Symphonic Orchestra...Tring ATC
Poppy Appeal/British Legion... Red Cross Syria appeal... Tring Youth Project...Tring Tornadoes Junior Sports
RNIB... Save the Children... Stoke Mandeville scanner appeal.. Tring War Memorial refurbishment
St Joseph's Care Home... Tring School World Challenge... Thames Valley Air Ambulance...Tring Together
A sunny day at Tring Carnival.
We recently made a presentation of £750 to Tring School to support their World Challenge projects in Sri Lanka and Belize
A busy day at Aldbury Fayre on Bank Holiday Monday..............
.........but we still had time to relax
The Lions had a busy day on Saturday with a stall in Church Square at the launch of the Tring Spring Fair and then hosting around
90 of Tring's Senior Citizens at the annual Entertainments Evening. This year the event was held at Tring School and we were entertained by the excellent BURP ukelele band from Berkhamsted. For more pictures please click on entertainments evening
...............................Tring Spring Fair ......................................................................... Entertainments Evening
This Easter we raffled nine Easter Bunnies at various establishments around Tring and raised over £500 to support local good causes, our thanks to all the organisations who supported us. To look at a few more photographs click here Easter Bunnies
In conjunction with Tring ATC the Lions held their annual quiz evening at the Nora Grace Hall on Friday 19th March. It most enjoyable evening and at the end the Lions made a presentation of a cheque for £300 to the ATC
Tring Lions were collecting outside Tescos on Friday 16th Feb in aid of Scannappeal who are raising money to buy specialist equipment to help and restore vision for local people.
Thanks to Tesco's and their customers we collected £392 which the Club will make up to £500.
On Christmas Eve around 1000 people gathered in the Forge Car Park for the Lions annual Carol Concert, thanks to their generosity over £1500 was raised to support local good causes.
Representatives from Tring School recently attended one of our meetings and made a presentation on their World Challenge expedition to Belize in 2017 and their plans for Sri Lanka in 2018. In Belize the pupils helped build a shelter adjacent to a small community clinic, they will be involved in a similar project during their Sri Lanka expedition.
The Lions have offered their support for both projects. .
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Tring Lions recently helped the Wendover Arm Trust purchase a new brushcutter. Apart from their restoration activities, the Trust also organise a 'Tidi Friday' working party once a month to help keep the canal and its surroundings looking neat and tidy
. To celebrate the Millennium, Tring Town Council created the 'Millenium Woodland' close to the Allotments in Duckmore Lane and Tring Lions sponsored the installation of a seat so that walkers could enjoy the view.
Thanks to the dedication of Lion Derek the seat has recently been restored to its former glory.
With nearly 1,500,000 members in over 200 countries Lions International are currently celebrating their 100th anniversary, to mark the occasion Tring Lions updated the wording on the Community Action Dacorum bus that they sponsor.
Tring Lions have recently sponsored some new signage along the Wendover Arm of the Grand Union Canal. The branch of the canal runs from Bulborne near Tring to Wendover and is currently being restored by the Wendover Arm Trust. The signage will guide walkers around a section of the canal at Little Tring where the towpath is inaccessible
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Last year Tring celebrated the 700th anniversary of the granting of Town Charter status by King Edward II. To commemorate the occasion the Lions sponsored a book containing photos of all the events that marked the occasion. The book was compiled by Tring Together and copies of the book have been presented to Tring Town Council, the Library, Tring Together and last year's Town Mayor, Stephen Hearn.
All the local schools took an active part in the celebrations and yesterday copies of the book were also presented to them.
An emergency phone has now been installed alongside the defibrillator outside the High Street Baptist Church. The installation of the defibrillator was sponsored by Tring Lions in memory of Lion Ken Brennan
The Lions Book Shop in The Marlowes Hemel Hempstead........ Tring Lions run a mini bus service to Berkhamsted
............operated by Tring Lions every Wednesday ..................... for the 1066 Club for t he blind and partially sighted
Providing transport to the Friendship Teas at Emma Rothschild Court
Tring Lions Club was established in 1973. Part of Lions Club International, a voluntary organisation of over 40000 Lions Clubs in over 200 countries. Total membership is over 1.4 million members including over 18,000 in the UK. Tring Lions Club has 16 members.
- We are a non-profit making organisation. Members pay an annual subscription which pays for the running of the Club
- ALL public donations and funds raised are passed straight on to good causes
- Open to all sections of the community, to all faiths and religions
- Just a club for people who want to give their free time and to help their community
Tring Lions CIO - registered Charity in England No. 1181199

Lions Sandra and Robin revisited the Yomelenai Early Years Centre in the township of Zwaheli near Hermanus for the first time since the outbreak of COVID-19. Previously they, along with other visitors, had undertaken some voluntary work there, and provided a donation of books from the Lions bookshop.
Since their previous visit they were delighted to see that the centre was thriving. It had expected the number of classes and enjoyed the benefits of stable leadership and permanent local staff. Many of the staff are now qualified and the inspirational headteacher, Rose, is currently starting her studies for a masters degree in education. A number of other teachers are taking their teaching degrees.
During the difficult time of lockdown the school was a great community resource and provided meals for many in the locality with gifts of food from local shops. The school remained fully open whenever this was permitted by the authorities with no teachers or pupils absent as a result of the virus.
On their visit Sandra and Robin again donated books and saw the great work going on. In discussion with senior staff they discussed immediate needs and saw how hot were some rooms. The school was keen to provide tow more wind chimneys to catch the wind. Wind catchers are tall, chimney-like structures that have been used in middle eastern countries especially. In their simplest form, wind catchers harness the cool breezes and redirect them downwards either into the home or into underground storage rooms to refrigerate perishable foods. Studies have shown that wind catchers can reduce indoor temperatures by around 10 degrees. Upon return the club decided to support the centre by donating money to allow two wind chimneys to be added to the building and a local tradesman has agreed to fit these at no cost.
Coming soon
Click here to download the quiz

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